During the 15 years of living the journey of an Entrepreneur's wife, my faith has been put into question more times than I can count.  I've had to face my ego, and I've questioned my purpose.  We do not find ourselves in the mountain peaks we find ourselves in the darkest valleys. Our ego tells us, "I got this."  I had to get to a place where my inner light was brighter than my ego.

Don't worry it is not all doom and gloom. It is amazing, but just like with anything in life there are peaks and pits. The key is to have the proper tools with you when you find yourself in the pit.

Hi, my name is Amy Stefanik, and I am The Entrepreneur's Wife™. I'm not portraying perfection.  In no way are Matt, and I perfect.  We've been beaten up on this journey.   We faced divorce because of the lack of understanding and the desire to bend our egos.  So no,  perfection is not what I'm portraying.  I believe we went through hard times so that we could help others going through some of the same things we battled.

In my book The Entrepreneur's Wife™ I speak from my perspective of being an Entrepreneur's Wife. The book details our struggles and successes and the way that it affected our family. I want to share our journey as well as the journey of other entrepreneurial couples so that our community can get a broad perspective on what it is like to be married to an entrepreneur.

I also created an online community through Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and my Blog. We share motivational stories, quotes, books and live interviews. Join the discussion!

Today I write, coach, lead and teach about hard work,  positive mindsets, and always being a work in progress.  The journey is not for the weak, but together it is easier to bare.  Remember you are a team!

Together we make a difference, and we all work very hard in our roles. I want to help entrepreneurs and their spouses adopt the concept of One Shared Vision™ to create closer relationships and stronger families.