Being married is wonderful, but at times it is tough. Being married and trying to create an empire as an entrepreneur creates the perfect storm; a tornado if we fall out of alignment with what’s important. No one talks about the crap that you have to eat to get to have a beautiful relationship. Well, I’m here to speak of that crap.

It’s easy in the beginning to be starry-eyed and believe that nothing will ever come up to make you dislike your spouse, but this is not truth. Life happens. We shouldn’t be expected to be on our A game 24 hours a day. We have to be aloud to me human. Especially in our homes. The world is too critical to come home and be criticized.

Matt and I work together, workout together, eat together, shower together, sleep together, travel together, date each other we do everything together. This is amazing, but it is also not without its challenges. We can completely get under each other’s skin. This is normal. One of the biggest lessons that I have learned is to be able to cut ourselves and our marriage some slack. Everything does not have to be a big deal. We do not need to dissect every argument. It has taken me a long time to get here. I’m still not completely past the dissecting part.

The amazing marriage, of course, comes with time, bumps, and bruises. We did not start out this way. That is why I feel the same way when people say, wow your marriage is incredible you’re so lucky as I do when people say, must be nice when they see the fruits of our success.

It seems to me that in the entrepreneurial arena there are a ton of divorces and separations happening. I believe that we hustle and grind for our business but leave our marriage, well lacking. We refuse to give up on our dreams but quickly walk away from our marital commitments. We are loyal to our business partners and customers but lack the moral values when being faithful to our spouse. Our lives become very one sided and self-driven, and when that happens, a profound imbalance occurs. It’s hard to be entirely successful when parts of our lives are falling apart. You can hide it for a while but eventually it comes out.

So this leads me to eating crap. Sometimes it is tough. It hurts and feels difficult to be selfless. But if you treat your marriage with the same enthusiasm, dedication, curiosity, belief, and hustle that you dedicate to your business then your relationship will be unstoppable.

It’s sad that we accept the social norm that marriage is not forever. We have let ourselves believe that failing in our relationship has no effect on our business. I do not believe this to be so. I think if you’re not getting what you need in your home it is your responsibility to analyze, hire coaching, invest money, time, and energy the same way you would if your numbers were plummeting in your business.

We brag about being different, being an entrepreneur, thinking outside of the box, never giving up on our dreams. I think there should be more bragging about being loyal and having a happy marriage.

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