“Let go of the past and the past will let go of you.” ~ Unknown

Life is full of paths we walk. Some paths are more treacherous than others. It’s great how sometimes you don’t realize you are on a journey until you’re at the finish line.

For the past two years, I have been on somewhat of a spiritual journey. I’ve been shedding myself of beliefs that no longer serve me. This journey is one of forgiveness and acceptance. What I realized this morning was while on this discovery path, I’ve given away my power.

My entire life I’ve been separate in some ways. I never really “fit in.” I had friends of course and always hung out with some cool people, but there was a part of me that was different, a corner of my soul would not fully connect. I loved hard and tried to be the best friend I could be but most of the time struggled to find someone that would give as hard as I would.

Over the past couple years, I’ve been embarking on radical acceptance of not only where I was in my life and how I got there but giving full forgiveness and the act of asking for this great forgiveness. I had a slight misstep during this walk though, and that was my ah-ha moment this morning. Somewhere along the way, I stopped standing in my power. My need to be loved and accepted and that old feeling of being separate had crept back in. I’ve ended up chasing the high of being truly honored and embraced.

I realized this morning that I need to take back my power. I’m worthy of this incredible love I’ve been chasing. I do not need to pursue it; true love will embrace me without me working for it. My biggest discovery is that I love myself, I forgive myself, I deserve to move on from past mistakes because those mistakes do not define who I am. I’m a powerful woman, and I have the scars to prove it.

Sometimes we can get caught up in the climb and forget to take care of ourselves along the way.

I wanted so badly to give 100% because I had built these high walls to protect myself and while tearing them down I overcompensated to make up for the pain I caused. I realize now that forgiveness is a simple request, “please forgive me.” Once those words are spoken, you can have the release, but the biggest lesson was that you are not in control of someone else’s acceptance and the time they take to forgive. You must move forward and not live in that moment. Honor their journey and allow space for them to process.

I’ve been on this road long enough. To move mountains and create momentum I must start walking a new path. On this journey, I’m stronger because I stand firm in myself. I love who I’ve become, and I respect where I’ve been.

Affirmation for renewal:

Today is a powerful day for renewal for me. I step away from my past and let it float away forever. I am refreshed and energized to begin my new life! I look forward with excitement and enthusiasm. All possibilities are open to me now. I’m blessed with a wonderful life!

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