Over the weekend, we spent time with our family in Ohio. Sunday was a family day with activities planned, and we kicked the morning off with a fantastic hike. Because we had told our kids we might go skating later in the day (massive mistake by the way) our youngest Kenny could not stay in the moment. He asked probably 725 times, when are we going skating? If you’re a parent, you know the prickly nerve-racking feeling of a child asking over and over for something, like if they ask one more time the outcome will change.
Kenny made me think about how we are always looking for something to happen in the future. The “when this happens” way of thinking or we are going to do this when… I can’t wait until…. One day….
As an entrepreneur, traveler, and adventurer, I can easily fall into living for the future. For many years Matt and I would dream about the future and say, one day we are going to ….. We still do. I think it is incredible to dream and envision what you want for the future, talk about it often, and manifest the crap out of it.
When you’re so focused on “the one day” that you can’t see the beauty of life around you, then it’s not healthy.
The crazy thing is the plans changed and we never got to go skating. Kenny missed out on a ton of deer running through the woods, crazy birds and family belly laughs because he was so focused on getting to the next thing. He wasted a fantastic morning.
Think about your life and your day-to-day. Are you racing through the week to get to the weekend? Are you ignoring small wins because all you want is the ultimate big goal? Are you saying to yourself, I ‘ll be happy when this “one thing” finally works out?
When you do this, think of my sweet Kenny and correct course. Don’t miss out on the extraordinary daily miracles because you’re too focused on the planned future wins. Just like skating never happened for Kenny the future isn’t guaranteed, look up, enjoy today, find the good even if it looks terrible, you will not ever regret being present, finding your happy, and slowing down a little. I promise.