All that comes to mind when I think about my interview with Alicia and Jason Goldberg is F.U.N! I laughed so hard at these two amazing people. Their relationship is so awesome and their entrepreneurial journey is extraordinary. I know you will love them as much as I do.

You will be able to tell by Jason’s bio below that he is anything but your average entrepreneur.

What does an award-winning entrepreneur, a baconatarian (thats a vegetarian who still eats bacon), a former rapper (who opened for the Wu-Tang Clan)and previously 332 pound man (who has since lost over 120 pounds despite his affinity for bacon) have in common? They are all the same guy!

Jason Goldberg (JG for short) is a geek, turned entrepreneur, turned international and transformational speaker, trainer, host and coach.JG has worked with everyone from pro surfers to CEOs, helped transform countless small businesses and has worked with organizations such as NASA, The Society of Women Engineers, Wyndham Vacation Ownership, Northrop Grumman and the National Association for Entrepreneurs to overcome challenges and develop opportunities through the power, humor and simplicity in the message he shares.As the founder of,

JG delivers hilarious and empowering talks and training’s and has coached hundreds of aspiring and inspiring leaders, entrepreneurs and groups to create the mindset and the skill set to become powerful self-leaders, be more prosperous, have more fun and create a bigger impact in the world! Some of JG’s other fun and creative projects include hosting The Master’s Circle Coach Training Program(published by Mindvalley/Evercoach to 75,000 life and business coaches), as well as creating the Serve Your Way to Wealth“ Selling by Serving” Training Intensive for service-and purpose-based entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants.

JG also co-hosts the hilarious and transformational The Not-So-Serious Life Show with the Godfather of Life Coaching and prolific author Steve Chandler. His book “Prison Break: How to Master the Art of Self-Leadership and Experience True Freedom”is due to be released in the spring of 2016.

Alicia is the Founder/Contributor at Alicia Goldberg – Celebrating the Divine Feminine. What a powerful woman! She is a MUST follow!!

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